Monday, March 16, 2009

My Angel Went to Heaven Today - from my blog

My Angel Went to Heaven Today

Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:15:01 PM

Shauna is gone :'-(

She left us today around 4:30pm. She was very brave.

She went to heaven with lots of mommy's tears on her little head.

She had lost another pound, and had stopped eating this morning. It was time.

I know I won't feel like this forever, by my heart feels broken tonight.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, hugs and kisses.

Please give your pets an extra squeeze from Aunt CharChar tonight.


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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Shauna I know - from my blog

Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 10:07:30 PM

The Shauna I know.

There are so many things that I am going to miss about my little girl. I call her little… well she is now, but she was always the biggest of the bunch. She weighed over 14 lbs a year ago in May… now she weighs nine.

I am going to miss how she would come to bed each night and snuggle. She loved to climb up onto my hip once I got comfortable, or on my butt if I was laying on my tummy. She would knead for a few seconds an then stretch out and get comfy. I’m going to miss how she would love to get right up on the pillow and lick and chew your hair.

I will miss how she acted like a dog with her little mice. I would pull one out from the headboard of the bed, make sure my legs were safe, and ask her if she was going to get the mouse…. Then I would throw it into the living room and she would run after it, pick it up in her tiny mouth and carry it back to the bed to play some more.

I will miss her little meow, it sounds like reant-reant. It’s adorable.

I will miss her pretty, pretty face. A lot of people over the years have called her ugly, have said she looked like a burn victim, they have said lots of things, and I always say no… she’s unique and beautiful. She won my heart from the moment I saw her on my birthday over 10 years ago. Never mind the fact that she made me sneeze immediately, and when we got her home we found out that she had worms and dandruff and diarreah. LOL. We kept her and got her all patched up and she was part of the family.

Squeak didn’t think so though. Poor little Squeak got sick right after we brought her home. She pulled through though. We nursed Squeak back to health over three long months of IV fluids, antibiotics and tube feedings of ensure and Metamucil.

I will miss how Shauna came running when the can opener was going, and how she is the only one in the house who liked the tuna juice. I will miss sharing my hearts of palm with her. She thought that was the best treat in the world. I just dug a jar out tonight and fed her some. I think she was in heaven.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with the extra sink in the bathroom now. I almost cry when I walk in there. I am still keeping water in the sink, even though she hasn’t been in there in two months. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to just let the water drain.

All three of my girls have been here for me through a lot these past few years. There was many a night, I came home and cried on their shoulders.

I love Shauna dearly, and it’s getting so close to the end now. I just had to put a few more things down on paper.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, kind words and stories. It means so much to me.


Monday, March 9, 2009

My baby girl (kitty) is very, very, very sick - from my blog

My baby girl (kitty) is very, very, very sick

Monday, March 09, 2009, 9:19:27 PM

I am beside myself with grief and I just have to vent. One of my three kitties is very sick. I saw the Vet on Saturday and she says she will be gone within the next 1-4 weeks. She has lost 5 pounds in the last few months, 2.5 within the last month alone. Her anemia numbers went from 29 to 14 in two weeks.

They think she has cancer. I am preparing myself to say goodbye to her. I'm giving her lots of treats, and lots of brushing, her favorite things. She purrs like crazy, and she is still moving, though not very much. She has taken up residence on my husband's desk, and he has kindly moved his stuff to the kitchen bar so she can spread out. She comes down and lays in the kitchen with her head hanging over the water bowl and that's the extent of her movements for the last two months.

She was our greeter, if you were two feet tall or 6 feet tall, she would welcome you with meows and leg weaving. She was always in the middle of the action and she would come to check on the other two when they get into tussles.

She loved to hang out in my bathroom. She had her own sink in there, it's never been used for anything other than her water bowl (there are two). She would hang out with me in there and it was her lair. She hasn't been in there in quite a long time now.

I'm going to miss her when she's gone, all I can do is try to make the most of my time with her now.


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