Sunday, May 22, 2011

Optifast tasting #1

I tasted the optifast chocolate peanut butter bar today. It was actually very tasty! No funky aftertaste. Nice texture and satisfying crunch. I could definitely detect the salt and that gave it a salty sweet vibe which I like. Most surprising is that even though it was only 1.59 ounces, I feel full. Not going to drink for a half hour and see how long it keeps the hunger I was just feeling at bay. I think that this is a really good start!

One down, two bars and two soups to go! I wont be trying the shakes at this point... Just can't stand them.  I reserve the right to change my mind though if the rest of the tastings go well!

All in all, if this bar is the first indication, I am very excited to use Optifast for two weeks to kick start my lap band weight loss again.  We will see how the rest of the stuff tastes and more importantly - get my headaches squared away with the new neurologist next week.

Wish me luck!


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