Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lap Band Update

Someone asked me today some things about my lap band and how it is going.  She's thinking about getting one herself.  I haven't posted an update here in a while, so I thought this would be a good topic and I'm sure some people are interested but for whatever reason, don't really want to ask me.  So here is some info, and if anyone has other questions, please let me know.  It has been a great experience for me, and I am happy to answer any questions.

A curious friend wrote:

How much weight did you lose and how long to lose it?

I have lost up to 90 pounds, I've kept about 75 of it off. I've had the band since May 2007. I need to go and get another adjustment, I've just been putting it off.

Why no liquids with meals?

Liquids with meals allow more food to go through and you don't feel as full. This has been the most difficult thing for me, and part of the reason I haven't lost more weight.

Did you PB ( vomit) often?

I still do PB. Nearly every day. It is my own fault though. If I eat something too fast, or if it isn't moist enough, it gets stuck and comes back up. It isn't the same as vomiting like you know it now though. It's very different.

Any foods you can't eat?

I used to have a lot of trouble with bread and rice. I can eat them both now, as long as the bread is well buttered or mayo'd, and the rice has some kind of sauce or gravy on it. Dry meat is out... boneless skinless chicken breasts are difficult, unless eaten with a sauce. I also find that It is VERY difficult for me to eat first thing in the morning if I don't have a warm drink first. Texture is very important. Like with bread, the crunchy veggies are almost always needed to get the bread down too.

Do you drink wine or alcohol?

I definitely drink my share of wine and alcohol with no problem! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you think of anything else, ask away.  I'm an open book!

You might also want to check out my blog.  There aren't a ton of posts about the lap band, but you can find some.  www.lifedramatic.blogspot.com.

I'm very excited for you.  Even with the little bits of trouble I have, I would definitely do it all over again!  It is totally worth it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Charlene.
I read some of your blog. Love it. I watch Hoarders also and it motivates me to get rid of a pile of crap here and there. We are guilty in the basement area. The rest of the house is neat and orderly.... but still.