Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
My Pinterest Addiction
Have you all started using Pinterest yet? Pinterest has apparently been around for ages (OK 2 years), but I only
heard of it a few months ago (OK Maybe 6).
If you have no idea what I’m talking about it’s a website
where you create pin boards. You know,
like cork boards of the olden days. YOU
know that you used to cut comics out of the paper and put them up in your
office. It’s like that, but the WEB is
your source. There is SO MUCH stuff out
If you are on Pinterest, you already know what’s up. If you’re not, you are missing out. Hit me up and I’ll send you an invite.
How I organize it:
computers and internet,
food porn,
I really want to go shopping,
I'm a foodie,
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Are there any readers out there. What books are you reading. I’ve almost lost track now. I have to refer to my account at… be right back.
I have currently started reading the following books:
started on November
07, 2012
The Dance of
Intimacy: A Woman's Guide to Courageous Acts of Change in Key Relationships ,
by Harriet Lerner
started on November
15, 2012
started on October 30,
p. 48 of 376 (13%)
started on September
29, 2012
started on September
29, 2012
started on September
13, 2012
p. 15 of 288 (5%)
started on August 29,
My plan is
to finish at least one of these this weekend.
Wish me luck! What are you
How I organize it:
books books books,
Is that healthy?,
Monday, November 12, 2012
Have I mentioned that I love bacon?
Because the delicious skin on this turkey just isn't enough. I'd like to gild the lily.


Sunday, November 11, 2012
Weekend Warrior
My weekend started off great, we went out with friends whom
we set up on a blind date. Cutie Pie
(CP) is a long time friend of mine and Mr. Nice Guy (MNG) is a long time friend
of John’s. CP and I started off at her
house with a bottle of wine. Which
turned into two, only because I brought a Riesling and she didn’t like it and
so she opened a bottle of pinot grigio.
We had a couple glasses while she got ready, and she loaned me a smaller
purse and some earrings, since I hadn’t come prepared, as per usual. We eventually made our way downtown and
stopped in at Off the Traxx which is an ok bar with ok bar food. I crave the fried green beans though and the
crabcakes were unique in that they were made with mozzarella cheese. They were awesome.
We had a pretty spectacular night, and CP and MNG hit it off
and seem to like each other. I’m so
happy for them!
Saturday J and I got up and went to get breakfast at Bob
Evans, and then we picked up the car from Friday night, and we came home and
started picking up the house. We got a
few things done and then watched some TV and went to dinner at our favorite
restaurant – Squid Lips. The food was
great as always, and the drinks sucked.
It’s really too bad. We won’t
order drinks from there again. The beer
isn’t cold enough and the cocktails are crazy expensive and tiny. We stopped at Pubix to get some more
marshmallows to dehydrate for our upcoming camping trip, and stuff for Sunday
Sunday morning we cooked bacon, eggs and toast. We tried the eggland’s best cage free eggs,
and we definitely noticed a difference in the flavor and consistency of the
egg, especially the yolk. We watched
Harry Potter and went on to lunch and run some more errands. It was a great weekend with just the right
mix of hanging with friends and getting to spend one on one time with my honey.
How I organize it:
My husband is a diamond in the rough,
Cha Roo shared an Instagram photo with you
Hi there,
The Instagram Team
Cha Roo just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,The Instagram Team
Cha Roo shared an Instagram photo with you
Hi there,
The Instagram Team
Cha Roo just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,The Instagram Team
Saturday, November 10, 2012
My favorite quote
A few days ago I said that my favorite quote was "An optimist is someone who goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat and takes the tartar sauce with him" by Zig Ziglar.
Ever since I heard this quote I have loved it. I love whales, I love the sea, I love tartar sauce, I love the idea that one day I could be an optimist.
I don't know what it is, but I have never considered myself an optimist, though I do strive to be one. Kind of like I've never been a morning person, but I strive to be one.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Where I'm From
Where I’m From
November 8, 2012
I am
from clothes hanging on the line outside, from Hellman’s mayo and great grandma’s
sweet pickles.
I am
from the hot, un-airconditioned SOUTH, playing in the sprinklers, getting a
suntan on the boat or the back deck or the hand-dug pond in the back yard that
is warmed with water that flows through a pipe that goes through a fire pit.
I am
from the Aralias, Gerbera Daisies and the marijuana, the crinkly leaves, the
stunning gem colors, and the curious cages.
I am
from Ginnie Springs camping at Thanksgiving and Standing Rib Roast at Christmas. I am from Great Grandma Wood and Great Grammie
Glidden and across the Northeast US and across the pond.
I am
from the alcoholism and deep stubbornness .
From “Don’t
make that face or it’ll get frozen that way” and “Because I said so”.
I am
from going to churches with friends and relatives and on special occasions. I
am from Montessori School to Sunday School.
from Florida, Germany and Scotland, Great grandpa’s refrigerator Velcro soup,
Entenman’s doughnuts and fresh fish and lobster on demand.
the time on the Peace River when it was “TOO DEEP”, the times the fire
department was called to the house because of shenanigans that were too obvious
to ignore, to cozy, fun, loving sleepovers at JoJo and Aunt Sandy’s houses.
I am
from Great Grandma’s book of our genealogy, The Wood family wall in JoJo’s
house, and the love that was never lacking.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Another Random Survey of my favorite things
What is your favorite movie?
Pretty Woman
Pretty Woman
What is your favorite tv show?
Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds
What is your favorite song?
All I wanna do is make love to you - Heart
All I wanna do is make love to you - Heart
What is your favorite book?
Any cookbook
Any cookbook
What is your favorite type of music?
What is your favorite type of movie?
What is your favorite tv channel?
Cooking Channel
Cooking Channel
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite drink?
Caramel Appletini
Caramel Appletini
What is your favorite fod?
What is your favorite time of day?
What is your favorite place to be?
Who is your favorite actor?
Jake Gyllenhal
Jake Gyllenhal
Who is your favorite actress?
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts
Who is your favorite author?
Janet Evanovich
Janet Evanovich
Who is your favorite singer?
Who is your favorite director?
I dunno
I dunno
Who is your favorite friend?
I can't pick a favorite
I can't pick a favorite
What is your favorite car?
What is your favorite sport?
Who is your favorite team?
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart
Who is your favorite musician?
What is your favorite website?
Who is your favorite band?
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi
What is your favorite subject?
What is your favorite memory?
Swimming at great grandmas
Swimming at great grandmas
What is your favorite quote?
"An optimist is someone who goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat and takes the tartar sauce with him (or her)." --Zig Ziglar
"An optimist is someone who goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat and takes the tartar sauce with him (or her)." --Zig Ziglar
What is your favorite thing to do?
Who is your favorite teacher?
Mr. Griffin
Mr. Griffin
What is your favorite brand?
What is your favorite clothes?
The ones that fit me
The ones that fit me
What is your favorite store?
Who is your favorite athlete?
I dunno
I dunno
What is your favorite word?
What is your favorite electronic?
My iphone
My iphone
What is your favorite holiday?
My Birthday
My Birthday
What is your favorite country?
What is your favorite verse?
“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.” ― Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey
“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.” ― Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey
Who is your favorite girl/boy?
My husband
My husband
How I organize it:
I am a survey addict
A friend and a dog

view full image
"My beautiful friend Chrissy hanging with Diesel and us by the pool this past Summer"
How I organize it:
Big Green Egg BGE,
Picture a day
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
60 things no one asks
I haven't done one of these internet surveys in a while. Feel free to do it and pass it on if you want.
60 things no one ever asks...
60 things no one ever asks...
When's the last time you ran?
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
What are you dreading right now?
Waking up in the morning
Waking up in the morning
Do you celebrate 420?
Only by wishing my brother in law happy 420 :)
Only by wishing my brother in law happy 420 :)
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
And some
And some
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do?
Watch movies and drink martinis
Watch movies and drink martinis
Who last grabbed your ass?
My husband
My husband
Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Uh no
Uh no
Do you own a pair of Converse?
Hell no
Hell no
Did you copy and paste this survey?
Not yet. I will though.
Not yet. I will though.
Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Oh yes.
Oh yes.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Hmmm, not kicked, but might have wobbled it.
Hmmm, not kicked, but might have wobbled it.
Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
Nah, that never bothered me.
Nah, that never bothered me.
Do you watch Trading Spaces?
What is this from 1990?
What is this from 1990?
How do you eat oreos?
Open, crunch, scrape, crunch, crunch, crunch
Open, crunch, scrape, crunch, crunch, crunch
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Are you cocky?
Could you live without a computer?
I suppose I could, though I wouldn't be happy about it.
I suppose I could, though I wouldn't be happy about it.
Do you wear your shoes in the house?
Who or what sleeps with you?
My husband, my cat and about 20 pillows
My husband, my cat and about 20 pillows
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
He isn't real?
He isn't real?
How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
4 house phones and 2 cell phones.
4 house phones and 2 cell phones.
What do you do when you're sad?
Eat. Although I'm trying to change that.
Eat. Although I'm trying to change that.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
My husband, then my mom.
My husband, then my mom.
Last time you saw your best friend?
Last week.
Last week.
Are you in high school?
NO, thank God.
NO, thank God.
What jewelry are you wearing?
My wedding rings, another ring and my watch.
My wedding rings, another ring and my watch.
Is anyone on your bad side now?
What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check facebook.
Check facebook.
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
Love it.
Love it.
How do most people spell your name?
Charleen, so annoying
Charleen, so annoying
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
Where do you work?
In the grind.
In the grind.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
Uh no.
Uh no.
Favorite name for a girl?
Favorite name for a boy?
Will you keep your last name when you get married?
When was the last time you left your house?
This morning.
This morning.
Do you return your cart?
Not usually
Not usually
Do you have a dishwasher?
What noise do you hear?
The alarm beeping because John just opened the door.
The alarm beeping because John just opened the door.
Would you survive in prison?
I suppose. I don't want to find out though.
I suppose. I don't want to find out though.
Who is the youngest in your family?
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
What's the last thing you purchased?
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
What brand are your pants right now?
Hahaha they are pajama pants.
Hahaha they are pajama pants.
Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
What irritates you most on the internet?
What brand is your digital camera?
Do you watch movies with your parents?
What song best describes your life right now?
Good question, have to think about that one.
Good question, have to think about that one.
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
Are you taking college classes right now?
Do you like sushi?
No, I like Nigiri
No, I like Nigiri
Do you get your hair cut every month?
Do you go online everyday?
Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?
How I organize it:
computers and internet,
I am a survey addict,
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
If I were president...
Since I'm doing NaBloPoMo and having trouble finding stuff to write about, I've decided to use their prompts when I can't think of something on my own, or if I can't find a meme. Dying to find a good meme, they don't seem as popular as they used to be.
I digress. Today's question is What would be the first thing you would do if you became president. I've thought about this for most of the day and one of the most important things to me is that women continue to have freedom of choice. It's incredibly important to me that Roe vs Wade never gets overturned. Therefore the first thing I would do is start researching what can be done in order to preserve this hard earned freedom for women. I can't say that I would ever get an abortion, but I certainly feel like a woman should have a right to choose what happens to her body.
Of course I would also want to find a solution to the horrific healthcare system we have in this country where the insurance companies have all the power, and if that wasn't bad enough, millions of people don't even have insurance so they can't get care that they need. My mother is one of those people right now. It scares me to death that she is insulin dependent diabetic and she has no way to get her medication right now.
I'd also like to find a way to keep corporations from funding politicians coffers in exchange for favors.
What would you do?
Link to your blog and I'll check it out.
I digress. Today's question is What would be the first thing you would do if you became president. I've thought about this for most of the day and one of the most important things to me is that women continue to have freedom of choice. It's incredibly important to me that Roe vs Wade never gets overturned. Therefore the first thing I would do is start researching what can be done in order to preserve this hard earned freedom for women. I can't say that I would ever get an abortion, but I certainly feel like a woman should have a right to choose what happens to her body.
Of course I would also want to find a solution to the horrific healthcare system we have in this country where the insurance companies have all the power, and if that wasn't bad enough, millions of people don't even have insurance so they can't get care that they need. My mother is one of those people right now. It scares me to death that she is insulin dependent diabetic and she has no way to get her medication right now.
I'd also like to find a way to keep corporations from funding politicians coffers in exchange for favors.
What would you do?
Link to your blog and I'll check it out.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Election tomorrow
There isn't a whole lot to say here. You have the right to vote. You should go and vote. At this point, I don't care who you are voting for, and I'm not going to get into the politics here, because it's not my forte. I just know that as an American, I was given the right to vote, and I have exercised that right.
I voted by absentee ballot. If you haven't done that, it's wonderful. The ballot is sent to your home, so you can actually take your time and thoughtfully fill it out. You can read about the amendments, about who is running for mayor in your town. You can take time to decide if you should really vote to allow them to put slot machines in your local dog racing park etc. I am completely for absentee voting. Take advantage of it if you can!
My boss asked me who I voted for. Can you believe that? He actually wanted to know, and then since it was different than who he voted for, he basically wanted to know why I voted that way and back up my choice. It was surreal. THEN he asked me who the girl I work with voted for too. I have very strong opinions, and I'm not always that great at putting them into words, but I was very proud of myself for defending my vote today. (Not that I should have had to, but that's another show.)
I'm very proud to live in America. I am blessed with many things, and the right to vote is something I never take for granted.
Get out there and vote!
I voted by absentee ballot. If you haven't done that, it's wonderful. The ballot is sent to your home, so you can actually take your time and thoughtfully fill it out. You can read about the amendments, about who is running for mayor in your town. You can take time to decide if you should really vote to allow them to put slot machines in your local dog racing park etc. I am completely for absentee voting. Take advantage of it if you can!
My boss asked me who I voted for. Can you believe that? He actually wanted to know, and then since it was different than who he voted for, he basically wanted to know why I voted that way and back up my choice. It was surreal. THEN he asked me who the girl I work with voted for too. I have very strong opinions, and I'm not always that great at putting them into words, but I was very proud of myself for defending my vote today. (Not that I should have had to, but that's another show.)
I'm very proud to live in America. I am blessed with many things, and the right to vote is something I never take for granted.
Get out there and vote!
How I organize it:
Back to Life Back to Reality,
slave to the grind,
Things that make you say hmmm Human Edition
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Happy Anniversary Spa Day
This year for my anniversary I went to Essentials and had a massage and a much needed facial! My friend J went with me and she had a facial and we ate lunch together. It was a wonderful, relaxing experience. I did notice that it is much more wonderful and relaxing when you aren't the one paying the bill though. I do miss those days when my boss would take us for a spa day after a particularly good quarter. Must be something about having a female boss. The guys I work with know barely know what a spa is, much less would they spring for a spa day.
I went and visited my mom and dad after and then went home and started to read, but ended up sleeping the rest of the day away. I can't say I'm too happy about sleeping so much, but I guess I needed it.
Sorry for the phone in post today, but this is all I have.
I went and visited my mom and dad after and then went home and started to read, but ended up sleeping the rest of the day away. I can't say I'm too happy about sleeping so much, but I guess I needed it.
Sorry for the phone in post today, but this is all I have.
How I organize it:
My husband is a diamond in the rough,
slave to the grind,
Sweet dreams are made of this
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Saturday - Fun Day
So after sleeping in until almost noon, I finally rolled my butt out of bed and got on with the day. I had a few errands I had to run today and my mom called me so I asked her if she wanted to join me. She's always up for some shopping so off we went. First we went and had lunch at Tijuana Flats. I had the chicken flautas. They were ok. Mom had some kind of rice bowl which was way better than the flautas. I don't get the love for that place. That's the second time I've been and I have to say, I'm just not that impressed.
After lunch we went to Target, I needed to buy an air mattress for our camping trip that's coming up at the end of the month. I ended up with a queen sized coleman - it was a decent price and it should be a little sturdier than the Serta that was ten bucks more. While at Target, I spied the new PINK CD, which I had to have, and some halloween marshmallows that i'm going to dehydrate for the camping trip for us to have in our hot chocolate. I have a few friends coming this year on the camping trip and I'm really excited about it. More on that another day.
After Target, we went to World Market to look around, and I ended up with some orange chocolate truffle cookies in my paws. We munched on those afterwards and they were delicious! Onward to Yankee Candle where I procured two giant whoopee pie candles for work. We bake cookies for our clients, but they don't always smell as cookie-like as we want, so I thought the chocolate candles would enhance the scent of the cookies a bit more. Don't you wish your financial planner baked fresh cookies when you came in to an appointment? Uh huh!
Finally we went to BJ's where I got a bunch of stuff for work, water, coffee, TP, paper towels etc.
Mom got a half price costume at Target for Halloween next year. She tried it on when we got home and it looks super cute! It's held together in the back by velcro, so she's going to have to be careful! LOL!
Now I'm home and just finished watching Private Practice from last week and I'm wishing there was a Pioneer Woman to watch from this morning.
I'm pooped! How was your day?
After lunch we went to Target, I needed to buy an air mattress for our camping trip that's coming up at the end of the month. I ended up with a queen sized coleman - it was a decent price and it should be a little sturdier than the Serta that was ten bucks more. While at Target, I spied the new PINK CD, which I had to have, and some halloween marshmallows that i'm going to dehydrate for the camping trip for us to have in our hot chocolate. I have a few friends coming this year on the camping trip and I'm really excited about it. More on that another day.
After Target, we went to World Market to look around, and I ended up with some orange chocolate truffle cookies in my paws. We munched on those afterwards and they were delicious! Onward to Yankee Candle where I procured two giant whoopee pie candles for work. We bake cookies for our clients, but they don't always smell as cookie-like as we want, so I thought the chocolate candles would enhance the scent of the cookies a bit more. Don't you wish your financial planner baked fresh cookies when you came in to an appointment? Uh huh!
Finally we went to BJ's where I got a bunch of stuff for work, water, coffee, TP, paper towels etc.
Mom got a half price costume at Target for Halloween next year. She tried it on when we got home and it looks super cute! It's held together in the back by velcro, so she's going to have to be careful! LOL!
Now I'm home and just finished watching Private Practice from last week and I'm wishing there was a Pioneer Woman to watch from this morning.
I'm pooped! How was your day?
How I organize it:
Back to Life,
I love my family,
I really want to go shopping,
Friday, November 2, 2012
It's only the second day
I have nothing to write about. This is not good. I am working on trying to get out of a funk. I think I'm doing well. I've listened to Christmas music twice, excuse me, three times in the last week. I didn't even have the urge to stab anyone afterwards, this is such progress.
My mom is going to give me her 9' tall Christmas tree, because it won't fit in her new house. I'm very excited about this. It's prelit. This is the bomb y'all. I absolutely hate putting lights on the tree, and taking them down is worse. I hate it so much I'm willing to put up a fake tree! Don't worry, I'll get plenty of Christmas scented candles,! :)
Right now I am waiting for my friend to bring me back something for lunch. I was just talking to some people the other day about how I should be making better choices... oops, I said the should word... ummmm I was just talking to some people the other day about how I have the option to make better choices when it comes to what i'm eating. Lets just say that for lunch today, I failed. I mean, ummm... I chose to make a bad choice? heh.
Am I the only loony out there that has been listening to Christmas music since before November 1st? Please tell me there are more of us out there, or tell me I'm loony. I don't care. Is anyone still reading this thing, is this thing on?? Bueller?
My mom is going to give me her 9' tall Christmas tree, because it won't fit in her new house. I'm very excited about this. It's prelit. This is the bomb y'all. I absolutely hate putting lights on the tree, and taking them down is worse. I hate it so much I'm willing to put up a fake tree! Don't worry, I'll get plenty of Christmas scented candles,! :)
Right now I am waiting for my friend to bring me back something for lunch. I was just talking to some people the other day about how I should be making better choices... oops, I said the should word... ummmm I was just talking to some people the other day about how I have the option to make better choices when it comes to what i'm eating. Lets just say that for lunch today, I failed. I mean, ummm... I chose to make a bad choice? heh.
Am I the only loony out there that has been listening to Christmas music since before November 1st? Please tell me there are more of us out there, or tell me I'm loony. I don't care. Is anyone still reading this thing, is this thing on?? Bueller?
How I organize it:
Eating FAIL,
Things that make you say hmmm Human Edition
Thursday, November 1, 2012
You know, that thing where you are supposed to blog for every day in November. I'm going to try that. Pictures from instagram don't count either. I'm already a day late, and more than a dollar short, so I'm going to cheat and back date this, because I just thought of it. Don't hate ok, I'm trying here.
My wedding anniversary is November 1st. I'd love to tell you about the beautiful flowers I received, or the copious amounts of candy I was showered with, or even the great meal I shared with my husband, but I can't because none of those things happened...
He did however get me an awesome card. It has Snoopy on the front holding the little yellow dude, Woodstock is it? Anyway, they are hugging and are awfully cute and it says "I love you", and inside it says "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me!" Awww!
We also didn't get to go on our annual anniversary trip to Vero Beach this year, but I'm already over that, so lets not rehash ok? OK.
We did go out to dinner last night, and the disappointment was fierce when we went to our favorite restaurant Squid Lips in Sebastian to find out that they closed early - we are talking 8:30 here people... they closed because they were dead. WTF. Three other cars were there when we were, they could have made a $150 bucks probably if they had stayed open a little later. Too annoying. Then we went to two other places and said no, and then we finally went to Captain Hiram's which we knew was going to be overpriced and not very good, and guess what!? We weren't dissapointed, they were over priced and not very good! We ordered the sticky fries which were good, the crab cakes which were good, the grouper fingers which totally sucked, and the seared ahi which sucked. I did have two drinks that were good "Sebastian flamingos" or some name, and John had iced tea that was good. The most important part was that we spent some much needed time together and we had fun.
My wedding anniversary is November 1st. I'd love to tell you about the beautiful flowers I received, or the copious amounts of candy I was showered with, or even the great meal I shared with my husband, but I can't because none of those things happened...
He did however get me an awesome card. It has Snoopy on the front holding the little yellow dude, Woodstock is it? Anyway, they are hugging and are awfully cute and it says "I love you", and inside it says "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me!" Awww!
We also didn't get to go on our annual anniversary trip to Vero Beach this year, but I'm already over that, so lets not rehash ok? OK.
We did go out to dinner last night, and the disappointment was fierce when we went to our favorite restaurant Squid Lips in Sebastian to find out that they closed early - we are talking 8:30 here people... they closed because they were dead. WTF. Three other cars were there when we were, they could have made a $150 bucks probably if they had stayed open a little later. Too annoying. Then we went to two other places and said no, and then we finally went to Captain Hiram's which we knew was going to be overpriced and not very good, and guess what!? We weren't dissapointed, they were over priced and not very good! We ordered the sticky fries which were good, the crab cakes which were good, the grouper fingers which totally sucked, and the seared ahi which sucked. I did have two drinks that were good "Sebastian flamingos" or some name, and John had iced tea that was good. The most important part was that we spent some much needed time together and we had fun.
How I organize it:
My husband is a diamond in the rough,
such is life
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